The most reckless and irresponsible government in Australia?
So, following the outcome of Saturday’s election, is The Hills Shire Council now the most reckless, irresponsible government in Australia?
We pose the question for your consideration but cannot honestly answer it. To do that we would have to examine the credentials of 546 other local councils in Australia and we don’t have the time to do that.
The Hills Shire Plan 2022-23 is presently “on exhibition” and open for submissions here:
In another time and place this might seem to be a worthy plan. But in this time and place - in the face of the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced - this plan is the product of unabashed climate denial.
We went searching through the 262 pages of this plan for the proverbial needle in the haystack and the results are detailed later in this piece. But for now we can tell you that the plan is almost totally devoid of any acknowledgement of climate change or the challenges and risks that it poses to the Hills shire and residents.
It contains almost no plans at all to reduce emissions from council operations or to incentivise and promote emissions reductions in the community, nor to address the increasing risks to health and safety of our residents or our natural environment.
It is a plan for another age or for another planet or another dimension of time and space. It is not earthly, it is not real. It is reckless and irresponsible.
Make a submission
The Hills Shire Plan 2022-23 is presently “on exhibition” and open for submissions here:
Submissions close at 4:30pm on this Wednesday, May 25. So please do not delay - make your submission today.
Anybody can make a submission. It’s not necessary to make a long, detailed argument for climate action - they’ve heard it all before and they have not been moved. What is important is that you tell them why climate action is important to you personally and why you want to see much, much greater urgency and ambition from your council on this matter.
What is important also is that as many people as possible tell them this. So please urge your family members, your neighbours, your circle of family and friends to make a submission.
What does the plan say about climate?
We have examined the six documents and 262 pages of the plan looking for signs of acknowledgement of climate change or of any planned action. This is what we found:
Executive Summary (12 pages)
Nothing. Nada. Zip. Not a word!
Hills Future 2022-24 (2 pages)
Nothing. Nada. Zip. Not a word!
Delivery Program 2022-24 (42 pages)
Page 9 contains a Message from the Mayor. And on climate it says …nothing, nada, zip, not a word!
Page 11 contains a Message from the GM. And on climate it says …nothing, nada, zip, not a word!
Page 38, under the heading “Valuing Our Surroundings”, the following is in a list of targets by which council proposes to “Measure quality of life”:
“Emissions from Council (CO2-e tonnes) diverted from landfill.”
Page 39, under the heading “Valuing Our Surroundings”, the following items 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 are included in a list of “Strategic Actions”:
“9.2.1 Implement proactive measures to minimise the impacts of a changing climate on Council infrastructure and services, as well as the community subject to funding availability.”
There is no discussion of what measures might be implemented, when or what they might cost (or save) and no commitment or plan to do anything whatsoever.“9.2.2 Implement initiatives to decrease the energy and water use by Council’s infrastructure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our operations subject to funding availability.”
There is no discussion of what initiatives might be implemented, when or what they might cost (or save), the extent of emissions that might be avoided and no commitment or plan to do anything whatsoever.
Resourcing Strategy 2022-24 (74 pages)
On page 24, twelve pages into the Asset Management Strategy, “climate” (but not climate change) is mentioned amongst a range of factors that may impact on Asset Condition.
On page 38, under the heading “Works Program”, the following is in a list of “FY21/22 Potential Carryover Projects”:
“Columbia Court Admin Building - Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Station”
Operational Plan 2022-23 (44 pages)
Nothing. Nada. Zip. Not a word!
Fees and Charges 2022-23 (88 pages)
Nothing. Nada. Zip. Not a word!
That’s all folks. That’s everything the The Hills Shire Council Plan 2022-23 has to say about climate change or climate action. Sorry, but it’s true! Really!
The Hills Shire Plan 2022-23 is presently “on exhibition” and you can make a submission here:
Submissions close at 4:30pm on this Wednesday, May 25. So please do not delay - make your submission today.
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