NSW Local Government Elections Postponed


The NSW local government elections have been postponed until Saturday, December 4.

This will mean that all the key dates for the election will change accordingly and we will share an update on that in the coming days, after the NSW Electoral Commission have completed their work.

For this page, this means that we will adjust our timetables too.  We will slow down a little, post less frequently for the next couple of months and save our ammunition for the campaign period.

Fortunately, the election is still scheduled for 2021, so we do not need to change the name of our page 🤣

Thank you for your support so far.  Please stay with us and be a part of the revived and re-energised campaign as it ramps up in about October. 

This blog and our Facebook page and our administrators are not affiliated with any party or candidate standing in The Hills Shire Council elections in 2021.  Nor do we receive funding from any individual, party, institution or corporation.  Our very constrained expenditures are financed by the page administrators themselves acting in a personal capacity.  Our only interest is in a safe climate for current and  future residents of the Hills Shire.

Email: climate.matters.hills.2021@gmail.com

Message: m.me/ClimateMattersHills2021

Facebook: facebook.com/ClimateMattersHills2021.
