Fruit Loops ... and Hunter Biden's laptop
It’s not often you hear the words “Hunter Biden’s laptop” during routine proceedings of an Australian local council - let alone a Sydney urban-fringe council 15,000km from Washington or Delaware. But our Hills Shire Council is literally and figuratively on the fringe and Councillor! Jerome Cox (drop-in Liberal) is so precariously on the fringe that he is in danger of becoming nothing more than the barber shop clippings waiting to be swept up from the floor. Before the ordinary meeting of council on September 12, the Hills Shire Council held no official position on the subject of the referendum for constitutional recognition and an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. And yet Councillor! Cox felt compelled to propose an utterly pointless and unnecessary motion asserting that to be the case. His remarks on the subject made it very clear that his purpose in doing so was to broadcast his vehement opposition to the idea that we take the very modest step of permitting First Nations people t...