Liberal councillors decline to act
Readers this is going to be a longer post than we usually prefer to make. But information on council candidates’ positions on climate can be hard to come by and Tuesday’s council meeting gave us some important clues about some of the sitting councillors. Councillors Ryan Tracey (Labor) and Tony Hay (Labor) brought a motion to join the Cities Power Partnership to council on Tuesday night. Congratulations to both of them for that - and for speaking passionately in support and defence of the motion. (Refer to About the Cities Power Partnership near the bottom for more information about this nationwide partnership of diverse councils for a thriving, zero emissions future .) Three members of the community also spoke in support of the motion: Dr Kim Loo, a local GP and driving force in the medical community’s response to climate change; Dr Mila Kasby, Hills resident and veterinarian and an active climate advocate, who is also standing for Council in the North Ward for the...